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NY Adult Survivors Act Could Renew Allegations of Sexual Abuse

New York plans to briefly overturn the statute of limitations for adult victims of sexual abuse. Under the so-called Adult Survivors Act, those with allegations of sexual abuse will be able to bring civil lawsuits for a period of 1 year – even if the deadline for legal action has passed.

Victims Must Prove Their Cases

Although many prominent figures in New York may be worried about the false allegations that may come with the new legislation, defendants should keep in mind that victims still have to prove their cases. The passing of time will make it difficult for plaintiffs to win, especially when defendants have effective counsel.

As one victims advocate explains to The New York Times:

It remains the case that the survivors will have to prove their case… So they’re up against the same, you know, challenges of the time that has passed, that whatever organization or individual is defending the case is up against…The bill doesn’t allow them to win their case…It just allows them to present their case.”

Similarity to the Child Victims Act

The Adult Survivors Act is similar to the Child Victims Act, which resulted in more than 10,000 lawsuits being filed. If you face litigation, you have the right to defend yourself and your reputation, and Schillinger & Associates, PLLC. can help.

Why Choose Us?

As a criminal defense attorney, Eric Schillinger has experience defending people against allegations of sexual abuse. Although you will not be facing criminal charges, being accused of a sex crime can ruin your reputation, and you need someone who has handled sex crime cases before on your legal team.

Read our blog, “Why Hire a Criminal Defense Attorney to Defend Against Civil Sexual Abuse Allegations?” to learn more about what our firm can do for you.

Call us at (518) 595-9529 or contact us online to discuss your case during a free consultation.